Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One Week Ago Today....

I found out that my life was going to change forever.

I guess, technically, we can back this story up about 18 months to July of 2009.  That's when The Husband and I decided that we would officially begin trying for a little one.  I had quit smoking (mostly) a month before and it seemed like a good time to try.  My cycles have never been what you'd call regular (or even close to it!) so I knew that we would have some difficulty, I just didn't think it would take a year and a half to conceive.  We went to the doctor, I was put on Metformin (which is a medication for diabetes- which I don't have) and waited.  Our PA told us she had given it to other women in my situation with good results.  Well, it didn't work for me.  Also, it made me nauseous every day and that was no fun.  So our next step was to go to another doctor.  Our PA sent us to the OB/GYN office at the local hospital, more specifically to Dr. V.  She is AWESOME.  I really like her.  Of course this didn't make magic happen in and of itself.  We had to do some tests- sperm analysis for him, insulin tests and uterine biopsy for me (I think he got off easy!). All of our tests came back normal, which was a huge relief and at the same time an irritation.  If there's nothing wrong, why aren't we pregnant yet?  Easy Answer- I wasn't ovulating.  Next step?  More medication.  Dr. V put me on a regimen of Provera and Clomid. We started this in November.  Cycle one didn't take, so on cycle two she upped the dosage.  Cycle two took.

So here we are, in January of 2010.  18 months from when we started.  On Tuesday the 12th my bestie best friend told me she and her husband were pregnant.  I was very happy for them, but very sad for me.  I'll let her tell you their story....  Tuesday was a rough day for me.  It was disheartening for me to know that I still was not pregnant.  It seemed like every time I turned around the fates or gods or whatever were there not giving me what I needed and wanted most.  The Husband was very supportive through all this though; I love him.   :)

On Wednesday morning I took another pregnancy test, knowing it would be negative again.  I resigned myself to that fact even before I peed on the stick.  Imagine my utter shock when the "not" wasn't there taunting me before the "pregnant."  I walked from the bathroom into the bedroom where The Husband was still in bed and said, "Mike...." and showed him the test.  He had no idea what was going on.  He thought I was trying to hand him a Sharpie!  He said, "seriously?!?" and then we just held each other for a while.

It was a nice morning.....

Stay tuned for our families' reactions.


Beardo said...


Of course I "got off easily" with my sperm analysis! How else would it have happened?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe it when Stacie told me that you were pregers Steph!!! I'm so freakin' excited!