So, My apologies for not being active in the posting world for over 2 months (and for the lie at the end of my last blog, Ooopsies!). I just haven't had it in me. Things have been rough, but not pregnancy related, well not bodily anyway.
It does seem as though it's been one thing after another, though. And that's not cool.
I won't bore you with the details of the whole insurance bullshit appeal process, but I'll give you the short version. Sent in request for prior approval, was not processed as my primary physician hadn't signed off on it. The Plainfield Health Center won't sign off on OB stuff. Sent in an appeal to have my prenatal care covered at Gentle Landing, denied. Sent in second appeal, denied. Went to in person appeal at the insurance company, denied again. So, needless to say, we'll be having to pay for the whole kit and caboodle out of pocket. Total bullshit? Yes.
In GOOD news, though....
Baby growing is going well. Lots of kicks and bumps which make me smile. We're still waiting for the strong ones to come through so that Mike can feel his baby moving.
We had our first prenatal appointment at Gentle Landing yesterday. That was very nice. The did the standard blood pressure check, belly check, etc. We also got to *finally* hear our baby's heartbeat. Awe inspiring. For real. Just amazing. The baby decided to kick the equipment in the middle of our listening and that was pretty funny. Quite the giggle inducing episode.
So everyone's big question is about an ultrasound. The midwife will order one for me if I want one, but I had to call the insurance company to make sure that they would pay for it. After getting the most round about answer possible, they said 'yes'--- sort of. It has to be done by one of the covered physicians, blah blah blah. What a giant pain in my ass, seriously. No wonder people say pregnancy is stressful. It's not growing a baby it's all the bureaucratic nonsense that goes along with it. My goodness.
But let's end this on a positive note, shall we? I'm enjoying being pregnant, I have 2 more appointments scheduled (June 22 and July 9).
Our baby is about 11 inches long and as of Thursday I'll be 23 weeks pregnant, with 17 left to go!
Time flies!
It is complete and utter crap the way that BCBS won't cover a home birth. (Yes, they say that they will, but will they help you find a provider within a reasonable amount of distance? Noooooo). I'm proud of you for sticking to your moral guns, though. We've made it past the halfway point!!!!
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