Friday, February 19, 2010

No Waist, but LOTS of Boob

The current trial and tribulation is to find clothes that fit.  I'm super glad that I went shopping before I actually had to, because I'm at the end of week ten, and I'm already wearing my belly belt full time (except for when I wear my Sonoma cords, but those are wicked big.  And, actually, now that I think about it, they were bugging me on my way home from work yesterday).  The belly belt is so helpful--I'm able to wear my regular pants, and will be able to for some time. (For those who don't know what a belly band is, see this link).  I've also got a belly band, but that hasn't worked out so well for me.  I'm sure it'll work better when I get larger. 

Up top is another matter entirely.  My chest has EXPLODED.  (Not literally.  That would be gross).  I bought two maternity bras last weekend, and they were simply the best purchase I've made since....forever.  I'm going to have to go up a size soon, though, even though when I bought them they were big.  But they've made the discomfort minimal (so much so that I don't even mind that I've got a uniboob).  My shirts all still fit, so that's nice.  Oh, and my socks fit.  :)

The fatigue has gotten much better.  I've taken a page from Steph's book, and have made myself go to bed at 9:00, even when I'm not tired (I read for awhile before I fall asleep).  Doing so has made me far less tired during the day.  Imagine that!  

Both Tom and I are anxiously looking forward to this coming Friday, when I've got my first prenatal appointment.  We're not sure if we're going to be able to hear the heartbeat, or get an ultrasound, but we're hoping for some sort of proof other than from my pee.  'Cause as cool as that is, really, it's just pee.  People keep telling me how amazing it will be when we first hear the heartbeat....I just know that I'm going to cry.  I just won't be able to help it.  I bet Tom will cry, too.  

Oh, and I got my first public belly-rub today.  My friend and co-worker Tiff rubbed my belly today before she left our office.  "Goodbye, little prune,"  she said.  "I can't wait for you to come visit!"  



Beardo said...

Seeing your ultrasound photo was pretty cool. And a little weird.

I hope ours has wings or lasers or something sweet.